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Urgent and Emergency Care Vacancies

and Virtual Wards Vacancies

Explore Essex NHS Urgent & Emergency care vacancies and Virtual Ward vacancies.

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Urgent and Emergency Care vacancies in Essex

2022 has been an incredibly demanding and challenged year to date for urgent emergency care services nationally and across the Mid and South Essex system. NHS England has worked with MSE ICB to identify several schemes that will provide additional bed capacity across the system supporting our urgent emergency care system, as well as intermediate care services working smoothly to keep people out of hospital at home. Here at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust we have secured funding to grow our services within Integrated Care, Acute Therapies and Integrated Discharge.

Firstly, we are looking to increase capacity within our MSE Bridging Service and Southend Enhanced Discharge Service so we can support more patients at home following discharge from hospital. We are recruiting for the following Urgent and Emergency care vacancies in Essex:

  • Community HCAs
  • Flow Coordinators
  • Case Managers

Secondly, we are looking to expand our current Acute Therapy services to create a new ‘Discharge to Assess’ (D2A) team. This team will work alongside the Bridging Service and SEDs to support patients at home following discharge from hospital in line with D2A policy and principles. We are recruiting for the following Urgent and Emergency care vacancies in Essex:

  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Rehab Assistants

Finally, we are looking to grow our established Integrated Discharge Teams (IDT) across the three hospital sites to support the implementation of full 7 day working, enable the earlier identification of complex discharges, and drive forward new models of discharge management. We are recruiting for the following Urgent and Emergency care vacancies in Essex:

  • Nurse Assessors
  • IDT Facilitators

For more information please contact:

Bridging/SEDs – John Walter, General Manager of Integrated Care, 07867190448

Acute Therapy – Noreen Buckley, General Manager of Acute Therapies, 01702385246 (x5246)

IDT – Charmaine Duce, General Manager of Integrated Discharge Services, 07850280633

APPLY NOW(opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) To search for Urgent and Emergency care vacancies please click here(opens in a new window). (opens in a new window) Type UEC within the search criteria.

Virtual Wards vacancies in Essex

There is a national ambition for Integrated Care Systems to work towards the comprehensive development of 40 to 50 virtual ward ‘beds’ per 100,000 population by 31 December 2023.

This an exciting new way of working for the NHS, where we essentially bring the hospital to the person in their own home:  Within Mid and South Essex, three organisations have collaborated and we excitingly opened three virtual frailty wards in January this year: A recent evaluation showed that patients in our care are 8 times less likely to experience functional decline whilst receiving treatment from us compared to an acute hospital bed, that 23% of our patients had a more independent social care need compared to if they had been in an acute care setting, were 5 times less likely to acquire an infection and 2.5 fewer patients treated in our virtual ward are readmitted compared to the national acute benchmark.

We have secured additional funding so are in a great position to grow our workforce further and are looking for enthusiastic people to join our innovative, transformational team who deliver high quality care to frail patients.

We have a number of exciting Virtual Ward vacancies in Essex available including:

  • General and Mental Health Nurses
  • Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists
  • Senior Clinical Management Posts
  • Admin Support Roles
  • Health Care Assistants
  • Pharmacists and Dieticians

We offer new staff a robust induction program and a personalised development training plan, upskilling staff is paramount so there are a variety of training offers for all our staff.  We recently secured additional funding from Health Education England and were commended on our approach to training staff.  Flexible working applications will be favourably considered.

For more information please contact;

Sarah Little, Interim Head of Virtual Frailty Ward, 07956 378103

Hannah Bannister, Team Lead of Virtual Respiratory Ward, 07580 911907

APPLY NOW(opens in a new window) (opens in a new window) To search for Virtual Ward vacancies please click here(opens in a new window) (opens in a new window). Type Virtual Wards within the search criteria.