Integrated Care Board (ICB) vacancies
Find out more details of and how to apply for the latest vacancies with Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board:
Core Member of the ICS Clinical and Multi-Professional Congress (Closes 10th July 2024)
Call for expressions of interest to become a core member of the ICS Clinical and Multi-Professional Congress (CliMPC)
The Mid and South Essex Health and Care Integrated Care Board has embedded clinical and multi-professional leadership and decision-making at the heart of our system. This will help us ensure population health outcomes are achieved through high quality, evidence based health and care services.
These aims will be pursued with the active assistance of the Clinical and Multi-Professional Congress (CliMPC). CliMPC brings together, at system level, a team of clinical and multi- professional leaders who draw on experience and perspectives from across the spectrum of health and care pathways, partners and professional groups. Individuals are there to contribute their experience and knowledge, rather than to represent a profession or organisation. CliMPC reviews important and complex health and care issues for the system, developing recommendations based on informed deliberation during monthly meetings.
The ICS’s commitment is to ensure robust diversity and a holistic representation of views across the CliMPC’s membership.
The CliMPC’s guiding purposes are to deliver:
· Clinical and Care Strategy – by exploring, assessing and making recommendations on key system clinical and care priorities
· Innovation and horizon scanning – by developing and refining tools for assessing, advising and making recommendations on stewardship and other transformation proposals
· Enable and engage Clinical Leadership – by taking responsibility for engaging, collaborating with and securing support from clinical and care professionals connected to their portfolio on aspects of the Congress’ work.
· Changing Clinical and Care mindsets – by being Ambassadors, responsible for enacting and ensuring support for the principles and practices of collaboration, population health management, targeting inequalities, improvement science and other approaches prioritised by the Congress.
· Assurance and statutory adherence – by supporting the ICS Medical Director in discharging such specific assurance and statutory adherence functions as may be necessary.
· Aim to support system work – according to key ICS principles of:
- Improving the health and wellbeing of our residents, the quality of our services and sustainability of our work.
- Reducing inequalities and unwarranted variation
- Actively participating in all decision making so that the voice of health and care staff is always heard and influences solutions.
- Helping our system become distinctive, attractive and successful by securing the respect and commitment of professionals who work in and around it.
- Informing and advancing the ICS’s approach to standards, outcomes and common clinical policies – and to secure their deliberate achievement locally
- Doing once for the system where this makes sense.
There are nine core areas of the CliMPC, including acute, community, primary, social and urgent and emergency care, mental and public health, pharmacy, and resident engagement. Members are appointed in recognition of their significant knowledge and experience within these core sectors.
Whilst some of these roles are already filled, expressions of interest are invited from candidates with expertise in the following areas:
Acute Care, Social Care, Resident Engagement
Core members are accountable to the Integrate Care Board for their actions and responsible to the System Medical Director.
Core members will occupy their post for a one year period initially, renewable for up to a further two years based on performance and continued commitment to the role.
The CliMPC will meet for two hours once every month, or more frequently as required. Applicants will be asked to confirm that their employing organisation understands the time commitment required.
Appointment process
Expressions of interest should be made to Paula Gwyther on by midnight on Monday 24th June using the below form.
Interviews will be scheduled for Monday 1st July with the view of newly appointed members attending the scheduled CLiMPC meeting on Wednesday 31st July.
For further information on the role please contact Dr Peter Scolding, Clinical Director of Stewardship 07835 816686 /
Expression of Interest Form (opens in a new window)