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We are hiring Reservists in Mid and South Essex

We are looking for individuals to join our paid Mid and South Essex NHS Reservist team to complement our existing NHS workforce and be part of delivering care to our patients in Mid and South Essex.

Register your interest at

Our reservist programme will run across the whole of Mid and South Essex, which will mean that you will have the opportunity to be deployed across acute, mental health or community services, based on your skills and preferences across a range of organisations. You will however be employed for the purpose of your contractual terms and conditions with Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) who are running the programme operationally on behalf of our Integrated Care System.

EPUT are running the scheme on behalf of;

  • Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT)
  • Mid and South Essex University NHS Foundation Trust (MSEFT)
  • Provide
  • North East London University NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT)

As the programme expands we will expect to broaden our programme to our additional partner providers across Social and Primary Care and Local Hospices.

What is an NHS Healthcare Reservist?

A Reservist is someone who is passionate about patient care, working with diverse teams and can help the NHS during peak times and emergencies.

You may be a former healthcare professional, working in healthcare outside of the NHS or are currently working as part of a vaccination team or hub and keen to continue supporting your local clinic or hospital. You may even have no healthcare experience but be keen to develop these skills.

You might be considering a career change and interested in a NHS career and becoming a Reservist is a great way to experience the range of NHS career opportunities that suits your lifestyle and circumstances.

As an NHS Reservist you’ll be part of a paid, flexible yet reliable workforce who will be given thorough training relevant to your role to prepare you to support your local health care services.

What types of roles are on offer?

The roles will differ and depending on the demand, surge times and also the roles available at your local NHS organisation.  Currently we are recruiting to a registered clinical reservist, a clinical support reservist and a non-clinical support reservist.

Those that have been working as a reserve in other NHS Trusts to date have been supporting COVID-19 and flu vaccinations, helping to run hospital wards, providing administrative support to wards, or supporting basic patient feeding and hydration.

Non-clinical support roles have also been supporting with tasks such as ward clerking, stewarding patients in busy clinics, replenishing linens and protective equipment, and receiving supplies to wards and clinics. These roles are as equally important to support our front-line clinical colleagues to deliver great patient care.

We will provide relevant training modules as part of your induction and you will be part of a supportive network of local Reservists.

No matter what your role, you will be part of a Reservist community, working with like-minded people, undertaking meaningful work and helping patients in your local community. You’ll also support our permanent clinical staff who could be your friends, neighbours and former colleagues.

What is the time commitment?

As a Reservist in Mid and South Essex you will be required to fulfil 15 paid shifts per year, plus 3 paid training days and/or ‘keep in touch sessions’ depending upon your role. As this is a new programme in Mid and South Essex you may find that this requirement is lower to begin with and will increase as the programme expands.

Where will I be required to work?

You will be assigned to campaigns such as staff flu vaccination, vaccination trials, and to meet increased shift demand in a range of health and social care settings across the Mid and South Essex region.  This could include working within community, mental health, social care or acute NHS organisations.

To register your interest in joining our reservist workforce and to receive a personalised phone call from one of our dedicated reservist team please send your name and contact number to