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Home 5 Course 5 Frail+ Excellence in Personalised Care (Including How to Use FrEDA Training)
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Course Description

This course is composed of 10 topic-based webinar modules to support you in evidence-based best practice for adults with complex needs (persons living with frailty or dementia or any aged adults deemed likely to be in their last years of life).

Mid and South Essex FRAIL + educational team have created a series of webinars that make up a comprehensive education and training program to improve awareness understanding, confidence and skills sets to all types of workforce groups roles right across all parts of our health and care system.

The training is for all professionals across all sectors (health, mental health or social care and care providers) who may be dealing with adults who may have frailty, all people with dementia or for any aged adult likely to be in their last years of life.

The sessions aim to drive providing excellence in personalised care to improve person outcomes, reduce inequalities and can also help improve staff job satisfaction and rewards too.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand how to recognise and manage frailty, dementia and end of life- embracing the key principles and core skills for delivering earlier more personalised, holistic and proactive anticipatory care.
  • Recognise frailty as a long-term condition in its own right, with its own set of recommended best practice management principles, as this is fundamental to improving person, population and system outcomes.
  • Understand key principles for more effective successful population health management (PHM), including what can help most with prevention, early intervention and management
  • Supporting professionals to manage all adults with frailty, dementia or any aged adult with end of life care needs due to any reason-though embracing personalised care and shared decision making which focusses on what matters most to the individual person.

Course description

A comprehensive frailty programme that will encompasses all elements of frailty, plus personalised care delivered in a series of webinars. ​​​​​​​

  • What is frailty and frailty scoring?
  • Medication safety awareness and prescribing guidance in Frailty
  • Falls and falls prevention
  • Dementia/delirium/mental health in frailty
  • Investigations – when to request and how to interpret results in persons with frailty
  • Anticipatory care in frailty
  • What is end of life?
  • FrEDA (Frailty End of Life Dementia Assessment)
  • Personalised care/Shared decision making
  • Frailty prevention and living well with frailty

The programme will also help to support clinicians put the patients wants and wishes at the forefront of care delivery, as evidence shows that true personalised care has far better patient outcomes.

To complete the modules, watch the videos, marking them as ‘Complete’ as you progress through the course, to track your progress. All videos will remain available for future viewing and referencing once completed.


Each of the 10 topic video sessions can be watched in any order and do not have to be viewed all at once in one sitting

Any of the topic sessions of interest can be selected by staff, however it is recommended to complete all of the course programme topics in order to gain maximum learning and optimal skills development.

The whole course of 10 topic sessions is estimated to take 10 hours to complete.

You can stop at any time, returning to the course at your own convenience, where your current position will be stored, allowing you to progress the course until completed.