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Health Care Assistant Recruitment Event

Are you interested in starting a role in healthcare where you will benefit from additional support? Come along to our Health Care Assistant event! In collaboration with Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) and Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSEFT), the HCA Academy is running a recruitment event specifically for people interested in applying for Health Care Assistant (HCA) roles. The HCA role is a great way to kickstart your career in healthcare with lots of opportunities to progress.

About the event

The event will be held in Chelmsford town on the 10 October 2024. There will be interview panels on the day. Please note, this is not a walk-in event. Instead, you will receive an invite with a timeslot for your interview. The invite with the full address and additional details will be provided to you ahead of the event. People who have recently applied for a HCA role with us need not apply.

To register your interest, please fill out the MS Form linked below:

Please be aware the form may close early due to volume of applications.

What can I expect?

The event is tailor made for people to learn all about the HCA role, especially those who are completely new to care. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet with staff and find out more about the benefits of working for EPUT and MSEFT.

Once you have registered your interest with the form above, we will be in contact with all candidates with instructions on the next steps. 

Meet our managers

Speak with service managers and recruitment colleagues about the vacancies available and learn about EPUT and MSEFT’s services.

Learn more about the HCA role

Take part in immersive demonstrations in key tasks such as Basic Life Support training and learn about the day-to-day work of a HCA.

Visit our stalls

Speak with the HCA Academy team about what we can offer you through our industry-leading induction, career progression and one-on-one support. Visit the Recruitment team to discover staff benefits, networks and recognition schemes. Make sure you grab lots of free merchandise and helpful leaflets!

What is a HCA?

A Health Care Assistant, or HCA, works closely with nurses and other staff within healthcare services to look after our patients. You could expect to do tasks such as providing emotional support, checking vitals, making sure patients are comfortable and helping to administer treatment under the supervision of qualified staff. If you’d like to find out more, please check out our brochure: HCA Academy Recruitment Brochure – 1 (

Can’t make the day? Don’t worry!

There are always amazing HCA opportunities across Essex. To apply directly for a role, either visit EPUT and MSEFT’s vacancy page or click here to find out more.